icon of two people
SBCSS Event Planning Portal

New to event planning?


Events held at SBCSS sites

icon of home with SBCSS logo EMS/Facilities Department
Room reservations and A/V

Events at external sites

icon of globe Multimedia Services Help Desk
A/V and video conferencing
icon of computer screen with icons representing two people Multimedia Services
Video conferencing equipment and setup


Registration Tools

icon of calendar OMS
Online registration, accountability tracking, and data tools

Print materials and copying

icon of documents and folders Print Shop
High-quality printing and duplication services


icon of bento box full of food Approved Vendors (PDF)
Event meals and refreshments

Creative Services

icon of painting, pen, and ink well Communications Services Request
Graphic design, photography, and video

Optional Checklists

Creating a New Event

icon of green checkmark
Tips for creating a new event
  1. Check the OMS Public Calendar to confirm your desired workshop date isn't already impacted with other events.
  2. Confirm room/site availability via EMS (SBCSS site) or external site.
  3. Make room reservation, including necessary A/V, video conferencing, and other technology needs.
  4. Create event for online registration in OMS Admin. (If you plan to record the event, include in the description field of the OMS registration form: "By submitting your registration, you acknowledge and agree to be recorded during this event.")
  5. Contact Print Shop for printing and copying of existing print materials, and/or Multimedia Services for graphic design of new print materials.
  6. Put in orders with one of the Approved Vendors for catering, if desired.

Canceling an Event

icon of red starburst indicating cancellation
Tips for canceling an event
  1. Cancel room/site reservations within EMS (SBCSS site) or external site.
  2. Contact Multimedia Services to cancel A/V support.
  3. Cancel online registration event in OMS Admin. Registrants will be notified of cancellations automatically by the OMS.
  4. Contact Print Shop and/or Multimedia Services to cancel print material, copying, or graphic design projects.
  5. Call catering vendor(s) to cancel order.

When planning events, take note of any cancellation policies, particularly with 3rd party vendors.

Questions to Robert Daeley, Web Development Specialist, SBCSS.

Crystal Clear icons used via LGPL from Wikimedia Commons.